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Ceremony Of Yagya

Sixteen sacraments (Shodash Sanskars) are mentioned in Hinduism which are performed to a human from his conception ceremony to the funeral ceremony. Out of these rites like marriage, Yagyopaveet etc. are celebrated with great pomp. At present, the followers of Sanatan Dharma or Hinduism have 16 sacraments from conception to death.

गर्भाधान-संस्कार (insemination):

In order to get a good child, first of all, conception-sanskar has to be done. Progeny is produced by the combination of Raj and Semen of the parents. This coincidence is called conception. The physical union of a man and a woman is called garbhadana-sanskara. After pregnancy, there are attacks of many types of natural defects, to avoid which this sanskar is performed. Due to which the pregnancy remains safe. Good and suitable progeny are produced from the insemination done with proper rituals.

पुंसवन संस्कार (Punsavan Sanskar):

Punsavan Sanskar is conducted after three months because the brain of the fetus starts developing after three months in the womb. At this time, the foundation of the sanskars of the child born in the womb is laid through the Punsavan Sanskar. According to the belief, the child starts learning in the womb, an example of this is Abhimanyu who had received the education of Chakravyuha in the womb of mother.

सीमंतोन्नायन संस्कार (Seemantonnayan Sanskar):

Seemantonnayan  is performed in the fourth, sixth and eighth months of pregnancy. At this time the child growing in the womb becomes capable of learning. To bring knowledge of good qualities, nature and deeds, the mother behaves in the same way, behaves and behaves in the same way. During this, the mother should study by staying calm and happy.

जातकर्म संस्कार (Jatkarma Sanskar ):

By performing Jatkarma Sanskar as soon as the child is born, many types of defects of the child are removed. Under this, the baby is licked with honey and ghee, as well as Vedic mantras are recited so that the child is healthy and long living.

नामकरण संस्कार (Naming Ceremony):

After the Jatkarma, the naming ceremony is performed. As its name suggests, the name of the child is kept in it. The naming ceremony is performed on the 11th day after the birth of the child. The name of the child is decided according to astrology.Many people name their child whatever is wrong. It affects his mindset and his future. Just as wearing good clothes enhances the personality, similarly having a good and concise name has its effect on the whole life. The thing to keep in mind is that the name of the child should be kept in such a way that he is called or known by that name at home and outside.

निष्क्रमण संस्कार (Nishkramana ceremony):
 In the fourth month of birth, the Nishkramana ceremony is performed. The meaning of expulsion is to take out. Our body is made up of earth, water, fire, air and sky etc. which are called Panchabhutas. Therefore the father prays to these deities for the welfare of the child. Also wish the baby a long and healthy life.

अन्नप्राशन संस्कार (Annaprashan Sanskar ):
Annaprashan Sanskar is performed at the time of teething of the child i.e. at the age of 6-7 months. After this sanskar, the feeding of food to the child begins. In the beginning, well prepared food like kheer(Rice Pudding), khichdi, rice etc. is given.

मुण्डन संस्कार (Chudakarma or Mundan Sanskar):
When the hair of the head is removed for the first time, then it is called Chudakarma or Mundan Sanskar. When the child is one year old, or at the age of three, or at the age of the fifth or seventh year, the child’s hair is plucked. This sanskar strengthens the child’s head and sharpens the intellect. Along with this, the germs sticking in the hair of the baby are destroyed, due to which the baby gets health benefits. It is believed that after coming out of the womb, only the hair given by the parents remains on the head of the child. Cutting them leads to purification.

कर्णवेध संस्कार (Karnavedha sanskar ):
Karnavedha sanskar means piercing the ear. There are five reasons for this, one- to wear jewellery. Second- Piercing the ear stops the bad effects of Rahu and Ketu according to astrology. Third, it is acupuncture, due to which the flow of blood in the veins going to the brain starts to improve. Fourth, it increases hearing power and prevents many diseases. Fifth it strengthens the sexual senses.

यज्ञोपवित संस्कार (Yagyopavit Sanskar):
Yagyopavit is also called Upanay or Janeu Sanskar. Every Hindu should perform this sanskar. Upa means to pass and Nayan means to carry. To be taken to the Guru means to perform the Upanayana ceremony. This is the tradition even today. There are three sutras in the Janeu i.e. Yajnopavit. These are the symbols of three deities- Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. This sanskar gives strength, energy and radiance to the child. At the same time, a spiritual sense is awakened in him.

वेदारंभ (Vedarambh):
Under this the knowledge of Vedas is given to the person.

केशांत( Keshant)
Keshant means to end the hair, to end them. Keshant or say that Mundal is done even before the study of Vidya. Before attaining education, purification is necessary, so that the mind works in the right direction. In ancient times, even after getting education from Gurukul, Keshant Sanskar was performed.

समावर्तन संस्कार (Samavartan Sanskar ):
Samavartan Sanskar means to return again. After receiving education from the ashram or gurukul, this sanskar was performed to bring the person back into the society. It means to prepare a celibate person psychologically for the struggles of life.

विवाह संस्कार (Marriage ceremony):
It is necessary to get married at an appropriate age. Marriage ceremony is considered to be the most important sacrament. Under this, both the bride and the groom stay together and get married, taking a vow to follow the religion. Marriage does not only contribute to the development of the universe, but it is also necessary for the spiritual and mental development of a person. By this sanskar a person is also freed from the debt of the ancestors.

आवसश्याधाम (Aawashyadham)

अंत्येष्टि संस्कार (Antyashti Sanskar):
Antyashti Sanskar means funeral rites. According to the scriptures, after the death of a person i.e. renouncing the body, the dead body is offered to the fire. Even today before the funeral procession, a fire is taken from the house by burning it. This is how the pyre is lit.