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Black Desert: Special Provervoy #1

Most important in mmorpg? Many will answer that the most important thing in the games of this genre is life after reaching the maximum level. And you know, they are right. The achievement of the “Levelape” is only the initial goal that opens the door to the treasured “endheim”-content. Successful worlds like World of Warcraft They hold the player at this stage, because you no longer need to worry about the level of your avatar and you can completely concentrate on other aspects of the game. For some, it will be a participation in PVP, and someone wants to start stuffing a wallet. Well, especially curious users will be able to devote themselves to the study of the world.

Why exactly Black Desert? The answer is quite banal – the game for many is a dark horse. For several months I will explore the Korean version of the project and without false modesty I can say that I studied it almost completely. From this cycle of articles you will learn how to occupy yourself upon achieving a “software” (there is no maximum level in the game, and “Endheim” becomes available at the fiftieth) and what professions to devote yourself.

As in any other online game, in Black Desert You can improve the existing equipment. Why do it? Basically, in order to increase the characteristics of his character even after he reaches the maximum level. Authors BD from Pearl Abyss came up with a rather original system of improving weapons, different from analogues from other MMOs.

In the “Black Desert” the strength of the character directly depends on how good things he wears. Of course, in a battle with the opponent there are many factors affecting the outcome of the battle: level, character class, learned skills (“build”), your personal skill and equipment. The latter is especially important if you have already reached the fiftieth level and are going to “bend” your brothers in hobby.

First of all, you need to get special stones that allow to strengthen the properties of objects. It is important to know that there are four types: two – for equipment, two – for weapons. The first weapon stone will improve damage parameters, the other will add an additional property to your “gun”. Similarly with equipment, only with adjustment to defense instead of damage. The maximum permissible parameter of “sharpening” is plus fifteen. Each item of equipment can be provided with three additional properties. This is done with the help of a black spirit, which is caused by a special button and travels with the character.

In general, an improvement system in Black Desert Slightly “casual”, because if an attempt is an unsuccessful attempt, your weapon does not disappear, but only loses some percentage of maximum strength. If you have a “sword of thousands of truths” with a strength of 100/100, then in case of failure it will fall to 95/95. However, the minimum value to which the equipment can be “reassured” is 1/1.

Of course, in the game there is also a system for repairing weapons. Approaching the blacksmith and requesting repairs, the character for a certain fee will return the value of strength to the most accessible number. But what to do if this maximum is so small that the sword becomes unusable after twenty minutes of use? To raise this parameter, you will have to get exactly the same subject and sacrifice it. Suppose you have two swords with the same name, only one has a strength of 1/1, and the other – 100/100. We give both objects of a blacksmith and indicate which we want to fix. After that, the second sword disappears, and your old one acquires an indicator 11/11. This action can be repeated until the subject returns to the initial value.

How do we get the stones required for “sharpening”? There are several ways – to kill ordinary monsters, to call for daily “bosses”, to purchase for special tokens received as a reward for a quest, or to knock out of chest chests. Based on personal experience, I can say that knocking stones from ordinary creatures is the most affordable and less expensive option option. Having arranged genocide in the next clearing with monsters

, you are at the same time “pump” the level or two for yourself. And if the fortune is on your side, perhaps, and get some valuable thing.

Improving equipment is an extremely important aspect of the game, which can often solve the outcome of the battle in your favor. IN Black Desert The “sharpening” system and the repair of objects work quite adequately, let the avid “hardcore” may not like some concessions.

And in the next article you will learn about bloody battles for power and battles for the territory and castles. See you in a week!

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